Pistol Progression Au Naturel | Ep. 40

When we travel, the luxuries found in the box are a lot of the times missing. Pistols are a great body weight exercise when on the go. Literally it’s the only way to double the load without accessories (yes … backpacks and logs are accessories).

What happens though, if you’re the person reading this posts laughing in your head saying, “yeah, right… I don’t have a pistol.”  It’s all good, we have all kinds of progressions to get you there.

Easiest – to – Hardest

  1. 2” Squat to Roll Back
  2. 2” Squat to Roll Back to 2 Foot Squat Raise
  3. 2” Squat to Roll Back to 1 Foot Pistol Raise
  4. 2” Pistol to Roll Back
  5. 2” Pistol to Roll Back to 2 Foot Squat Raise
  6. 2” Pistol to Roll Back to 1 Foot Pistol Raise = Candlestick Pistol

Notice I placed 2” in front of everything. Here is why.  I am stressing torso angle and weight shift here. Just like in the first couple episodes. To become more proficient in pistols we need to get our weight and keep it back. That 2” squat does exactly that.  If you’re not familiar with it, scroll back and check it out.

See you guys tomorrow!


Today’s Prescription:

1. Accumulate 50-pistols/leg of whatever progression works for you.

2. Continue Pull-up Challenge