WODdoc Episode 259 Project365: Dubs Help: Handle Help

Over the last 2 episodes we spent some time fixing the downstairs of our DUs. Eliminating the donkey kick was our first priority because it is such a power leak. In high volume endurance exercises like DUs, there is no room for power leaks because even small leaks accumulate quickly leading to large losses in overall performance.

A big problem we see when looking at the upstairs during DUs is windmilling of the hands…. especially with fatigue. When I say windmilling I mean creating large gapping circles instead of small, tight, compact circles.

Today’s drill is intended to help us keep our hands a position where we can be most efficient. Try it out.


Today’s WODdocket: 

10 mins of today’s DU drill.  (attempt to accumulate 2mins sets).