WODdoc Episode 269 Project365: 15.5 Recovery

If you are reading this…. your 2015 Crossfit Open is over (or you are recovering for another go at it!). Congratulations!!! You made it. I trust that overall you are more fit than last year. If this was your first open, you have just created a baseline in which all your following opens will be compared to. As the saying goes… “The most important step is the first one.”

If you haven’t lived it already or seen it on social media this one is a burner. It’s the feeling of Fran without the pull-‘ups for rest. Oh.. and it’s 2x as long. If you battened down the hatches you probably have 3 things killing you right now. … Quads… Glutes…. Shoulders.  Watch today’s episode for the post-WOD recovery.

Today’s WODdocket: 

1. Couch/Box Mob 20x / hip

2. Box Stretch Mob 20x / side

3. Banded Shoulder Mob 20 circles in each direction + 20 shoot throughs / arm

**Accompany this with light rolling and be sure to address any individual complaints in addition to what was shown today.**