WODdoc Episode 322 Project365: Balance & Symmetry; Shoulder Vertical Plane Balance

Yesterday we evaluated the horizontal plane…. Today we are taking the same approach to evaluate the vertical plane. Again our goal is to find similar values between the two movements. Unlike yesterday these two movements tend to present opposite.  Athletes tend to show dominance in ability to pull when compared to the ability to push.


Today’s WODdocket:

1. Find Max Effort Strict Pull-ups

2. Find Max Effort Strict HSPU

3. Calculate Dominance as shown in yesterday’s episode



1. Pull-up = 50  HSPU = 10        10/50 = .2 x 100 = 20%  — In this example your pushing capacity is 20% your pull = BAD

2. Pull-up = 15  HSPU = 40        15/40 = .375 x 100 = 37.5%  — In this example your pulling capacity is 37.5% or your pushing = better then the first example but could improve.

3. Pull-up = 50  HSPU = 45          45/50 = .9 x 100 = 90% — This is a really good example and would be something to strive toward.