WODdoc Episode 263 Project365: 15.4 Active Recovery WOD

15.4 is over for everyone but the stragglers (like myself). As the 4th chapter of the CrossFit Open closes our body’s are sure to be feeling it. Mild intensity workouts like today’s active recovery WOD are a crucial part to maintaining tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) health.  Active recovery WODs are mild workouts aimed at the same muscles that were under severe strain the previous day. By using the same tissues we can positively influence circulation to the area, and help remove metabolic waste which could have accumulated in the previous day’s strenuous workout.


Today’s WODdocket:

Active Recovery WOD

4 min Bike (hands only)

20 straddling Box Jumps

3 min Bike (hands only)

18 straddling Box Jumps

2 min Bike (hands only)

16 straddling Box Jumps

1 min Bike (hands only)

14 straddling Box Jumps

(optional) 1 mile jog conversational pace