WODdoc Episode 109 Project365: Diaphragm Release To Improve Your Squat?

Today, I had the pleasure of messing around with Dr. Perry Nickelston. Perry is beyond smart.  I originally started following him back when he developed his website Stop Chasing Pain.  His podcast has now eclipsed 360,000 followers and growing.  He is a myofascial expert and a lead instructor for Rocktape.

Every time I go to a seminar I learn something new.  Today was no different. I have seen diaphragm releases before but, never made the connection between a dysfunctional diaphragm and over activation of your adductors.  As Dr. Perry explains, a dysfunctional diaphragm causes power leakage from the core. Enough power loss causes core instability. Core instability results in loss of rigidity within the torso. Now, the body is the all mighty compensator and it recruits from eeeevvvveerrryyywhereeeee to get tasks accomplished.  Turns out one of the muscle groups that tend to be recruited for help are the adductors (in the legs).

As we have discussed last week, adductors are major squat limiters. So, what happens if you have been mobilizing your adductors all week religiously and not seen a change? Then maybe… just maybe your diaphragm is the culprit. Only one way to find out…. test …. retest.



Above: This is the anatomy that makes up your core.  Together these muscles contract to build intra-abdominal pressure creating rigidity in the torso. Note the lid is your diaphragm (This is what we are releasing!!)


Today’s WODdocket:

1. Test squat.

2. Perform self-diaphragm release

3. Re-test.

