We finally made it to the fun part. The part that everyone wants to talk about, Tier IV, the transition. This is where all the hang-ups happen. Here is your first big tip. Get out your pencil…. If you can’t or haven’t completed Tiers II and III that is likely the reason you can’t […]
Tier V: this is the final progression before attempting unassisted bar muscle-ups. I refer to these as banded high bar transitions. This is basically the entire sha-bang using a band to de-load the movement, minus the dip out. Things to keep in mind. Just because we’re using a band doesn’t mean anything changes. We still […]
We finally made it. Sure, there are some tweaks and tangents we can divert to but if we gave ourselves honest assessments and pass Tiers I-V, bar muscle-ups are right around the corner. **Remember if you having trouble passing one of the previous Tiers, don’t rush it. This is the way we get hurt. […]
I am a big progression guy. I believe graded exposure into any activity is the best way. It stops us from getting ahead of ourselves. Which is normally what gets us into trouble. Lets take golf for instance. People are obsessed with hitting “the big dog” despite it being the hardest club in the bag […]
Day two… Tier II. Here is what we have in store today. If you passed “Tier I” yesterday you demonstrated the ability to press out of the dip portion of the bar muscle-up. Now we need to test your pulling strength. Today’s WODdocket: 1. Demonstrate a strict chin to bar pull-up 2. Demonstrate a strict chest […]
To complete tier 1 we had to demonstrate the pushing strength to dip out of the bar muscle-up. Tier 2 we tested our pulling strength. In each case if we could not complete the movements we were assigned a capacity/strength program. (If you missed these episodes return to 162) Today we are testing our hollowed […]